After a couple of health problems…like a few heart attacks and a heart transplant, I acquired a lung problem which turns out to be incurable and untreatable thereby causing me to miss going on tour part of 2014, all of 2015 and 2016 and drained our finances. I finally got strong enough and the Docs let me go out and open June of 2017 at Maxwell Air Force Base. We opened there with my new book, Blackie death of a gangster which was supposed to be released after I died. BUT…I DIDN’T DIE!! So, it was released anyway. From Maxwell Air Force Base, we went on to Fort Knox Kentucky; Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma, and finally, Round Rock Texas.
In November our second son, Jay got married in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Then, we hibernated for the winter in the south. We already are booked at six libraries and a bookstore in March of 2018. Watch your emails and Facebook for the dates and times. We’re not sure if we are going on the East Coast or the West Coast this coming year. As usual, that will start in May.
The second documentary released, Blackie’s Revelations, just a little over an hour long will make you laugh, cry, and make the hair stand up on your neck. It contains unbelievable history and interviews.
Look forward to seeing you at a signing!